Laboratory | Narayana e-Techno School, Vidyaranyapura


Unleash Curiosity, Explore the Lab of Possibilities
Where Science Comes to Life: Our State-of-the-Art Laboratories
Innovate, Discover, Excel: Laboratories of Exploration

Narayana e-Techno School Vidyaranyapura Lab


Narayana e-Techno School, Vidyaranyapura comes with state-of-the-art digital classrooms, extensive libraries, and elaborate laboratories for physics, chemistry, biology, and computer science to foster the overall development of students.


Our facilities help students keep an open mind towards learning and make the subjects their own. By conducting experiments and discussing new ideas while collaborating with other students, students can get more engaged with topics and retain knowledge better.




What embeds knowledge better than experiential learning in an interactive environment? There is no alternative to well-equipped laboratories where students can conduct experiments under expert supervision. This creates a deeper understanding of the subjects and encourages decision-making and data analysis.


Why Choose Narayana? 


Narayana e-Techno School, Vidyaranyapura comes with significant advantages for your child. Here are some of them:


  • Personalised Study Plans

We want our students to grow at their own pace. To cater to their individualistic needs, we use personalised study plans that use their strengths and reduce their weaknesses. Apart from that, our teachers constantly pay attention to each and every student and their progress.


  • Complete Safety

Across the school campus, we follow strict guidelines regarding hygiene standards. This is to keep the learning environment safe and healthy for learners of all ages.


  • Reliable Daycare Facilities 

Being one of the best CBSE schools in Vidyaranyapura, our daycare facility encourages proper communication and nurturing of varied interests among tiny tots. This teaches them effective communication skills and the benefits of exploring their environment.