Laboratories| Narayana Group of Schools, Ghaziabad


Unleash Curiosity, Explore the Lab of Possibilities
Where Science Comes to Life: Our State-of-the-Art Laboratories
Innovate, Discover, Excel: Laboratories of Exploration

Advanced Laboratory Facilities for a Practical Approach to Theoretical Concepts

Science teaching is incomplete without experiments. So, having laboratories with advanced instruments becomes unavoidable for higher-secondary educational facilities. At Narayana Group of Schools Ghaziabad, we have top-notch educational facilities that help learners carry out their practical classes seamlessly.

There are separate laboratories for each science subject such as physics, chemistry, and biology. These labs contain all the necessary chemicals and instruments in adequate quantities such that learners do not have to face hassles in carrying out experiments. Also, the chemicals and equipment are properly labelled, ensuring students can find them instantly.

As one of the top schools in Ghaziabad, we even have a separate computer science laboratory where there are adequate machines that allow each student to use them properly. Students can learn basic computer use to advanced coding and programming at the computer labs. This exposure makes it easier for them to use the computer easily for various tasks.

Why Choose Narayana e-Techno Schools Ghaziabad?

Following are some of the reasons for selecting Narayana e-Techno Schools as the learning partner of your child:

  • Maximum security of learners through transport facilities as well as monitoring students’ activity using CCTV cameras.
  • Well-furnished classrooms, advanced digital classrooms, and library facilities help students in achieving academic excellence.
  • Unique sports training and extra-curricular facilities promote the overall development of learners.
  • Psychological counselling and periodic medical check-up facilities for learners so they can stay at the peak of their mental and physical health.
  • Advanced microschedules and proper guidance to students so they can crack various competitive exams easily.