Narayanites ignite the love for Poetry on World Poetry Day

World Poetry Day

Each year on March 21, World Poetry Day commemorates a universal linguistic expression resonating across cultures. Poetry, embedded in the histories of all nations, unites us through shared values and our shared humanity. Even the simplest of poems hold the ability to ignite dialogue. Regardless of its form, poetry’s fundamental aim remains constant: to delve into the human experience and evoke profound emotions. It resonates with existential dilemmas, unearthing ideas from the depths of the human psyche.

The World Poetry Day held special significance for Narayanites, as they delved into the beauty and power of poems, fostering creativity and appreciation for diverse forms of expression. The concept was straightforward yet profound. Students were quizzed on famous poems, challenged to complete lines from renowned poets, and encouraged to recite poetry in various languages.

The event was a great success as students completed lines from famous poems, bringing back happy memories. Each poem had its own story, and Narayanites were excited to share their love for poetry, making the atmosphere lively and special. Teachers also joined in, sharing their knowledge about World Poetry Day and famous poems. This interactive approach helped teachers and students become closer, sharing experiences and learning together.

Ms. Sharani, the Director of Narayana Educational Institutions, shared her thoughts on the significance of World Poetry Day, stating that “Seeing our young Narayanites reciting famous and beautiful poems is truly heart-warming.” At Narayana, we always emphasise on the value such events add to one’s life. On World Poetry Day, we celebrate the power of words to inspire, heal, and unite. It is our duty as educators to impart the beauty and depth of poetry to our students, nurturing their imagination and empathy, and shaping them into thoughtful and compassionate individuals.”

At Narayana Schools, World Poetry Day served as a platform for students to cultivate their imagination, articulate their thoughts, and master the art of poetry recitation. Through this event we fostered the love for poetry and gave a platform to the budding poets to fulfil their dreams of expressing themselves confidently, as at Narayana, your dreams are our dreams.

Narayanites ignite the love for Poetry on World Poetry Day

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